mercoledì 8 gennaio 2014

information Italy

Documents required to drive in Italy
The licenses issued by any State belonging to the European Union are valid within the entire EU territory , and also in Italy.
If you have a license issued by a non- EU you must have a international driving permit or a certified translation of your license .
To be able to drive in Italy you must be over 18 years of age . You drive holding the right and overtake on the left. According to the new Highway Code , in force since 01/07/03 , it is mandatory for all motor vehicles , turning the lights on low beam , the lights and the license plate , in any urban road and highway. In the city the other hand we have the right to choose whether to keep them on or not. The obligation to turn on the lights instead is valid also in town for all two-wheeled vehicles (mopeds and motorcycles) . The horn should not be used in populated areas , except for emergencies. Trams and trains take precedence.
The use of seat belts , front and rear (if the car will be provided ) , it is mandatory and the penalties can be applied to both the driver and passengers . On roads with two or more lanes in the roadway , go occupied the free lane furthest to the right , the left lane or lanes are reserved for overtaking. When you come to an intersection , you have to give , unless otherwise indicated, the priority to cars coming from the right .
The motorcycles that do not exceed 150 displacement can not circulate on highways under any circumstances. The Helmets are compulsory for those who drive mopeds and motorcycles of any displacement .
What are the speed limits ?
Cars and Motorcycles (over 150 cc of power) : urban areas, 50 km / h (31 mph) , secondary roads 90 km / h (56 mph) ; major rural roads 110 km / h (68 mph) ; highways 130 km / h (81 mph) . In case of rain or snow , the limit drops to 110 km / h on the highway and 90 km / h on main roads .
To enforce speed limits, have also been installed numerous cameras with electronic controls , which are present throughout the road and motorway network Italian .
Cars with trailers or caravans : In urban areas , the maximum speed is 50 km / h (31 mph) , on secondary roads 70 km / h ( 44 mph ) on main roads 70 km / h ( 44 mph ) on motorways 80 km / h (50 mph) .
Motorhomes weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes : urban areas, 50 km / h (31 mph) , secondary roads 80 km / h (50 mph) ; main roads 80 km / h (50 mph) , motorways 100 km / h (62 mph) .
Compulsory equipment on the vehicle warning triangle , spare tire , first aid kit (recommended ) fire extinguisher (recommended).
E ' need to have the vehicle safety vests or reflective straps to be worn by drivers of vehicles stopped on the roadway , outside the towns , at night or in poor visibility conditions . It ' also mandatory to wear them when you go to place the warning triangle after a fault or if you leave the car stopped on the emergency lane .
Insurance : It is mandatory to have liability insurance . For those arriving from abroad is recommended green card insurance that can be taken even at the border, with a validity of 15, 30, or 45 days.
Alcohol and driving : in Italy , the blood alcohol limit for driving is 0.5 grams per liter , on average, with those in the rest of Europe .
Useful and emergency numbers :
State Police : 113
Fire Brigade : 115
Of urgency and emergency medical service : 118.

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